Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is jatropha plant oil the most possible alternative jet fuel?

Are there any other alternative jet fuel?

Here's the article about several possible alternative jet fuel.

If jatropha plant oil is used in commercial airlines, how expensive will they be? More expensive than the regular jet fuel?Is jatropha plant oil the most possible alternative jet fuel?

Jet fuel made from petroleum is the most possible jet fuel.

After that, fuel made from gassified coal.

Then from Algae.

As a viable alternative to what we have now, no. It will be cost prohibitive. But it does keep the enviro-zealots at bay in companies like Boeing.Is jatropha plant oil the most possible alternative jet fuel?
Is jatropha plant oil the most possible alternative jet fuel?

No there are others. I think each region of the country should pick a plant the grows best in that area and make oil from that. In New England area it's algae, canola, and prairie grass. These can grow in summer and winter. I think algae is the most possible due to the amount that can be made.

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