Friday, December 18, 2009

Why Iran need to build Nuclear plant since they got so much oil?

In the 1990's w reached the peak oil production. Nuclear is the power that will power the futureWhy Iran need to build Nuclear plant since they got so much oil?
They don't have a refinery, so their oil doesn't do them any good. That's logic, isn't it?Why Iran need to build Nuclear plant since they got so much oil?
'Cause dey be building de BOMB, dat why.

Why you tink dey be buyin' Soviet MISSILES?????
Its easier for them to build a nuclear plant than an oil refinery
This oil will finally finish, and they need time to adjust from oil to nuclear energy, so every country has to start early.
Believe it or not they get their fuel(refined) from other Gouging countries like themselves and recently Turkmenistan raised the price50% and cut back on their exports to Iran 10%.Every one is screwing everyone over oil and gas .Including the greedy Jerks that produce it .
If America invaded the country right next door to me (Iraq) with no good reason, I might be looking for a bit of powerful protection.

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